Allen BroadyDeveloper and Scientist.

Entrepreneur and Freelance Analyst.
Problem solver in Data Driven Solutions.
Data Science nerd.

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Yes definitely. As you know these elements are super important pertaining to to this information. There are plethora of small businesses that cannot the technical expertise needed in some cases to increase in engagements on websites, which for most websites are the best promotion tools. This would be a great asset for small to medium size business who want to increase the proficiency of engagements for one. Some other ideas I could think of too. I would explore those engagements with those users to see if there is an noticeable difference before and after using the information provided from your db.

While there are many companies to utilize to gather important market indicators of an industry, competitor, etc.
What should drive your decisions is the value of your data and is it within the realm of possibility of the company or service you are using to attain this data. Depending on the industry.


Depending on your preference and skillset you cannot if there is a there is a problem there is probably a package that has already been developed to do exactly what you are trying to do. For the most popular programs forPython) there are hundreds are packages you can use out here.
For your business needs there is no one size fits all for BI solutions but depending on the skill set there I would employ that tool.

Other wise I would look at a tool like Power BI that allows for reporting and Data Visualizations and you can also utilizing program packages for analysis.

I would monitor the traffic on what app store your app is being downloaded to pinpoint frequency of downloads from individual markets, turnover rates from users, and ratings and comments which would contain valuable information from your users. Determining what previously provoked users to your product, what works what doesn't which such a large user base you should be able to derive a bunch of user data to be able to derive a methodology to further study habits of users and pinpoint at least some of the commonalities of good vs bad for your app.
To start you of look into Google Analytics, Fireball, Flurry, they are pretty sold for analytics of small to medium size traffic. All in all whatever method you use please take to account the current privacy issues now in your collection of data to avoid any future complications.

Wix supports a mulitude of APIs to used for various fetch calls for your web pages.
If you already have to API's in mind you can venture off within you WIX code to integrate within your application's processes.
There shouldn't be any complications getting this done.
Please see the link below for more information


If I am assuming that you have all these chats per day stored(If not storing these chats on a data warehouse for reporting purposes is an option). There is software such as Nvivo which is great for qualitative analysis which you can use for these tasks. There are also packages for R, Python and even Excel for analyzing data.

I would say depending how intricate your project is you can hire a freelancer. Most freelancer who develop have portfllios of past work which could be referred back to or a job completion rate score (for freelancers)

Depending on how involved your project is your may not even need to approach a larger company and can have projects completed on a tight budget. Freelance developers trying to make there marks will take on projects within a tight budget. But for tighter timeframes I would look into your more experienced developers or companies.

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