Sandeep BeraPresident, CEO, Co-founder of Tranzsilica

President, CEO, Co-founder of Tranzsilica, My passion includes solving Enterprise, Social & Factory problems with the help of Technology.

Recent Answers

There are lot of Stock Trading app and software. They are build by brokers and/or investment firms. They would could provide you the tips & advices to buy stocks. It is risky market . So follow these basic tips.
1. First understand things a bit how it operates.
2. Use the money which you think you can afford other than necessities, means in direct words have no regret to loose it.
3. Brokers will advise because they make money while you buy the stock and sell the stock. Thus take time for point #1.
4, First buy the shares of the business/company you know most or like most.
5. Plan for long term or short term investment.
6. Follow the trends and don't panic. Take calculated risk i.e. work with brain more than heart.

We have been developing various software for long time for companies based in USA, Europe, Singapore, India. We could certainly help you in building Web-Application, iOS App & android App for real state. Please email me with the details requirement at

We have been working in this video technology for quite a long time. "Content is the king", by saying this content will help correct accent, colloquial word meaning, right use. The scenes will help to relate with real situations. In your monetization idea you could also add connecting your app/application with institution, training centres, online influencers/teachers to use the snippet of your software. Also expose the API, so that it could be white label-ed (for local distributor), or could be integrated with any LMS. For more advice, please connect with me or call me

We do have Java Developer. We provide Solutions and Software Engineering Services for long time to various companies. We are based out of India.
Please call me +919874533373 or email me at

It actually depends on what is being coached. It is a accumulation of experience and certificates. Experience has the memories of certainly what not to do and could guide what new could be tried. Where as, certificate ascertains he/she theoretically has the skillset to coach/guide.

There are numerous software services companies/provides those help in building PoC’s , prototypes, Products such as making MVP to recurrent releases. To provide such services one needs to have few key elements e.g. (a) engagement model i.e., fixed cost, T&M basis (b) software development process to follow i.e., agile i.e., capturing requirements, breaking into outputs & tasks (c) Tracking tools and delivery process (e) more importantly the Team i.e., the technical ability to provide the services. Also, the software service providers need to have the contingency plans e.g., solving high attrition, building bench strength, building excellency in the new technological areas/domains i.e., making the team ready for next set.
I have been leading the software services for last 18+ years in many companies and have started our start-up recently. We are now almost 16+ employees, which currently not matching your requirement of your research, but could I be useful if needed.

Well, if you meant the office relationship issue between colleagues or between manager and subordinate then first thing one should do to help solving or help come around from it; is to approach to the person & tell sorry, if you are cause, if not then invite the person to talk/speak with you, might be at the time of having meals. This discussion is good at meals. It helps in getting focus on the topic and soon could be defocused by focusing on food when the discussion goes to bitter state. So bottom line is you need approach first & timed it well to help the person to get rid of trauma, by changing the attention/focus. You repeat the exact things that once you enjoyed well.

If you meant this happened otherwhere else in your personal life. Then the above things must be twisted and tried. By twisting means, help the person doing daily things, invite for a ride, dinner or movie. Then suggest the person, it is part of life and Life is bigger than all this, and work/walk together. Meditation could be also one of your suggestions as well.


Hopefully the Story is divided into multiple demonstrable Outputs and then to specific Tasks/Features. If this is the case, then based on the worklog done & completion achieved on the specific Task/Features by the assigned team-member, his/her velocity could be calculated from these. Hence grouping all the team members outputs completion (tasks/features), Team’s velocity could be calculated i.e., numbers of work/task/features completed in a sprint/milestone/release.


Hi Valentin,

Adding more to Rayan’s point and also elaborating a bit. As a feasibility study you could check over internet if the problems are solved by others. Are there any clue/logic/open-source implementation of them? They could be your exact problems or similar to them. The respective developer can understand the ways. This will help you to identify the blockers if any. Because blockers are the ones which shoots you away out of your estimation. Once the logics are understood break the problem statements into various small demonstrable outputs and estimate them. For any Output there is always an easy part, average part, hard part and harder part. Easy or certain part which you can estimate correctly, because it done earlier, but add few buffers time to hard + harder part.

So, if you don’t have any expert to suggest & estimate, above is way you could approach.

As Rayan mentioned you should always balance between your good/exact estimated time-line and bagging the project. Sometime you need to estimate tight (effective/billable hours) in terms of providing cost but could stretch the calendar deadline through project management negotiations.


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