Nicolay KreidlerSerial entrepreneur. Service-based businesses

Entrepreneur with significant experience in service-based industries (F&B, Hospitality, Health & Wellness, Advertising & Marketing).

Successful ownership and management of large alternative operations. Business development, marketing strategies, coaching, and interim directorship.

Startup management.Production: eco textile, socially responsible production, organic standards.

Management experience in the Health, Wellness and Hospitality industry with a focus on sustainable practices and education. Community oriented with attention to alternative, holistic practices.

Consulting in crisis and transitional management, marketing, communication.

Specialties: Facilitating understanding and exchange between traditional and alternative positions. Transitioning to sustainable processes and technologies.

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We just closed an investment for our apparel company. Our experience is that it depends on the type of investor. Different investor, different focus. We found many looking for a tech component, but that maybe had to do with our location and with the profile of investors we approached. They are looking for disruption. We were surprised that it was fairly easy to talk to potential investors. We customized the information based on the individual investors profile and interest. Happy to offer a call.

There are numerous ways to raise capital. It will depend on your goals and your resources. Most likely you will raise money from friends and family first and use your own money too of course. That's how we started our company that now has three brands. A crowd-funding campaign with a platform like is a great way to expand on that circle of friends and get them engaged in sharing.

Another way to get money is to pre-sell your products and use that money for production. You should be past the sampling stage and have your production lined up for that to work.

Please schedule a call so I can find out more about your circumstances and make more specific recommendations.

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