Otumunye FlourishI offer profound business advice and support

I have managed consulting 6-person team to perform quantitative analyses and stage forecasting for international clients. I have also traveled to 9 countries to meet with high-profile clients to discuss technology goals concerning financial needs. I constantly research and provided cost-effective solutions that improved clients' business processes by adding or removing technologies.
I have been able to provide business support, solutions, and training to over 50 small and 3 global enterprises, with 95% of clients rating services as trustworthy, adaptable, and easy to understand. I have successfully collaborated with a sales team to deliver technical solutions based on budgets and needs, reducing clients' expenses on cloud-based technologies by 16%

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Yes, it is common for real estate professionals to use a combination of direct mail and Facebook advertising campaigns. Direct mail allows you to target specific homes and homeowners, while Facebook ads allow for retargeting and reaching a larger audience through social media. By using both methods together, you can increase your chances of reaching and engaging potential buyers or sellers.

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