Robb Luther20 Years Experience in Customer Journey Mapping

Partner of PIC, a growth marketing agency in Pittsburgh, PA. Also the developer of the Hero Mission Strategy, a customer-centric approach aligning sales, marketing, and service teams.

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There are two key aspects of Marketing: Strategy and tactical execution. Start with your strategy. Who is your ideal customer, and what job are you trying to help them accomplish? From there, you need to define what makes your solution more valuable and efficient than the status quo or direct competitors.

Rate your marketing on a scale of 1 - 10 for each of these areas:
BRAND NARRATIVE - Defines how your business identifies itself and speaks to the market.
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE - Establish an approach to the market that communicates your value proposition.
HERO BUILDING - Understand the perspective and motivating factors of your ideal customer.
MISSION BUILDING - Understand the Missions your Hero is trying to complete and how they align with your business.
STORY BUILDING - All the assets you create and the tactics you use to attract your audience.
LAUNCH PAD WEBSITE - Your foundational website platform is built to scale over time based on user analysis and data observations.
GROWTH-DRIVEN DESIGN - Defining and executing themes for improvements to your website: Establish, Optimize, or Expand.
GROWTH ENABLEMENT - Creating a scalable growth automation machine that will help you efficiently grow your presence in the market.
GROWTH LEADER - Establishing you as a voice and leader in the market.

Look for your weak areas here. What can you do to improve them. From the Story Building/Growth Enablement perspective... list our your software and marketing channels in a similar fashion. Rate them on a scale of 1-10 on how you are using them.

This exercise will give you insights into problem areas, or areas to focus on.

SEO falls under Mission Building. Understanding what your Hero is trying to accomplish and what they are searching for to find solutions. Look at their entire Mission so you can discover what they are searching for early on. Perhaps before they need your help directly. This will help establish you expertise and trust.

Hope this helps!

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