Mark C. Willkomm Collage grad. management, counseling, mentoring

College graduate Business management, mentoring kids who have had a tough break. Counseling parents single or married controlling life and moving forward.

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Parents often struggle to lead their kids on the right path due to a combination of external influences and the evolving nature of individual choice. Modern society exposes children to a myriad of perspectives, peer pressures, and media influences that can overshadow parental guidance. Despite parents' best efforts to instill values and provide direction, children inevitably encounter situations where they must make their own decisions, often influenced by their immediate social environment rather than their parents' teachings.Additionally, every child is an individual with their own unique personality, interests, and experiences. What works for one child may not work for another, making it challenging for parents to provide one-size-fits-all guidance. As children grow, they seek independence and may rebel against parental advice in an effort to assert their own identity. This natural developmental process can create a gap between parental intentions and a child's actions, underscoring the complex dynamics between parental influence and personal choice.

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