
What needs to be done behind the scenes to rank the youtube videos on google? Any economical resources to help us achieve that?

Hi there, I have been a social strategist and media director for 5+ years. Behind the scenes, a lot of the strongest white hat SEO tricks/tactics are going to apply. It simply requires time and some research. There are keywords for search/ads and there are video keywords, as well. That's why when you search for a popular song, the video usually populates first. 'How To' videos also dominant first page results.

Make sure your video is the appropriate filename and title! It sounds silly but if it's not clear, you won't get the traffic or the results. You should also make sure the video you're trying to make draws enough traffic on its own to warrant a first page result. You want traffic from Google AND YouTube. Make sure you're looking at the competitor videos, especially if they're older. You may be able to add quality info that is lacking to a conversation in progress. Also, you want/need quality backlinks from other influencers and websites, and/or the ability to drive quality traffic to the video. If you can build up some excitement around a subject before you launch a video, that is going to drive engagement as well.

I hope some of this was helpful. Good luck! Happy to hop on a call if you have further questions.


Answered 9 years ago

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