Looking for numerical data for market potential calculation for HEVC hardware project. Might include number of OTT providers, money-wise, or other. HEVC hardware project based on both CPU and GPU. Need numerical data for investment presentation. Might be different customer segments. Markets are: US, EU and Global.
Consider doing an invention evaluation study. This can help you gauge overall consumer interest in your hardware, if indeed it's consumer facing. If it's not, then a full market study might be the way to go. However these studies are significantly more expensive. I'm happy to talk with you about managing either.
Answered 9 years ago
I have to say that to answer the question more fully would be a consultancy project... But I can give you some brief information.
You can find some brief information about consumer penetration in US: http://4k.com/news/4k-tv-sales-to-surpass-100-million-units-by-2018-5948/
Services available in 4K: http://www.wired.com/2015/02/live-4k-broadcasts/
Netflix is the only current service delivering 4k, with Amazon testing delivery. The trouble with it is the same as HD, though: a HD stream can be 10Kbps. The specification is useless: what counts is the lowest point of the data rate between source and viewer.
Looking at the H265 codec specifically, there is a major move to usurp this http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/2/9252753/alliance-for-open-media-next-generation-codec
Basically all hardware in the delivery chain needs replacing for 4k, so it's likely to take 6 - 10 years to become mainstream.
In my opinion the main argument for HEVC is to future proof content, but if it's not produced in 4K then there is little benefit.
Answered 9 years ago
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