
I have a six month old daughter, and I have always wanted to start a business. I am thinking that now is the right time since I am not committed to a full-time job.

The most important thing is to make sure that your immediate network (Husband, family and friends) are able to support you. I have a 15 mth old and a 4.5 mth old and launched my company 1.5 years ago. It was busy, but it worked because I had people in place to help me (with the kids). The ultimate question is to ask yourself - your gut - if this is a f*ck yeah decision. Does it excite you? Are you motivated to pick away at this business when your baby is sleeping at night, napping or otherwise content?

Remember what it was like to hold your new baby in your arms; the joy, excitement and nervousness of what you're supposed to do? Well, starting a new business is the same. It's exciting and challenging, but there are resources (like Clarity) to help! Now IS the right time.

Good luck!

Answered 11 years ago

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