Hi there, I am a former PWC Chartered Accountant now helping small companies and accountants improve their business. Check out our websites www.theprofitablefirm.com (for accountants) and www.financedirectorservices (for small businesses - under construction). It depends what sort of workflow y...
Non-US profits are generally taxed only if the cash is repatriated back into the United States. So, for example, Coca-Cola's profits that it generates in countries outside the United States are not taxed by the IRS until that cash is moved into an account that is domiciled in the US. Of course,...
Generally, the transfer of tangible personal property is the trigger for a sales tax event. In this case, it may be necessary to review the various aspects of a typical transaction to determine if any portion thereof would be subject to sales tax. However, generally speaking, receipts from the sa...
Best to talk with your Tax Preparer about this. I suggest H&R Block Executive Tax Services. They're highly competent. If you're a US Citizen you're taxed on 100% of your global income anyway. If you haven't been paying tax on 100% of your income, your best action is to immediately work with you...
There are so many different moving pieces in this type of situation, you're best bet is to reach out to an expert accountant. Personally, I use and recommend Eric from Charitax (http://charitax.com)
The IRS wants quarterly estimated tax payments based on an estimate of what the business will make that year. They want you to pay 100% of the previous year's tax over the course of 4 quarters or 90% of the current year's estimated income. However, since this is their first year in business and...
I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." As a Canadian living in the US, my understanding as you have dual citizenship is that you must pay US taxes on everything you make anywhere in the world. So in addition to any taxes you may pay Canada, you must pay taxe...
A typical and ubiquitous problem faced by any small, medium business is breaking the status-quo. The problem often fails to get resolved due to the sales/number focused approach envisioned by the organization. As a matter of fact, deciding around future enhancement (s) requires a lucid understand...
Yo are talking apples and oranges. Capital gains are related to your basis not the form of payment. If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you pay taxes when you receive cash beyond your basis. We can help you with structure.
Hello! I work with a bunch of freelancers on Upwork.com so you can pay them directly through the platform on a flat rate or hourly rate. If this freelancer gets sponsors for you, you can give them a percentage of the sale as a commission. Sales reps usually receive somewhere between 10-20% of the...