
Results for: Accounting

Tip: For every 6 figures income elsewhere, Clarity generates a few dollars. So... Far better to do this... 1) Set your income/month target. 2) Set your hours/week worked target. 3) Timeline to reach #1 + #2. 4) Work out your offerings (price points of goods/services/information) you'll prov...


There are lots of things to consider when creating a Seller Account on Amazon. Let us look at it one by one: 1. Go to 2. Scroll down the page, below the heading “Become an Amazon seller”: On the right side, look for the ‘See Pricing -→’ link (below the ‘Make Money’ he...


Hello, Quora has a relatively strong filter of what they consider to be 'spam', so it is imperative that each account you create and use look authentic and personable. There is an app called 'Rambox Pro' that allows you to manage multiple unique accounts from different proxy servers in one place,...


There are good approaches for Elance/Upwork/oDesk if you approach the job req. correctly. There are also private agencies. I've hired account reps more often via virtual assistant agencies directly than from Elance and it's ilk, but many times I'll use that platform to isolate good candidates and...


Your question is very thin on details. You will have a greater success of experts answering if you share a bit more about what you're looking to learn.


Hi: Now that you have some experience under your belt, you know what you like and don't like about a relationship with an accountant. You also know more questions to ask before you start your next engagement, such as: * What do you base your fees on? * What do you provide on a monthly basis for y...


I had the same question. Clarity told me it was a bug in their system right now and it will be fixed soon. That was a month ago.


Excel Excel Excel Then SAP or something else . SAP or other oracle ERP applications are good for company wide book keeping, data gathering ...etc. But when it comes to analytics, if you want something very easy, and simple, go for excel.


Xero's subscription model helps them grow sustainably. They have trained and positioned Xero experts around the globe. The experts serve a region and sign up subscribers underneath them. By targeting professionals who may already have a client base that is in Xero's target market (for example, CP...


The items that you're talking about in this situation would be immaterial in my opinion. Before you even get to the technicalities of accounting properly for something like this, do you really want to start a new business where your first transactions on your financial statements are transferrin...


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