
Results for: Accounting

It all depends on whether they are all selling the same thing to the same persona. If yes, then combine all the campaigns into one adwords account, which feeds into one analytics account. That way they can get feedback on the effectiveness of different keywords, ads, etc. more quickly (because th...


When you open a bank account for your corporation, you'll need to make an initial deposit with your personal funds. A shareholder's initial contribution can be recorded as either debt or equity. If you want to record the initial contribution as equity, you would debit cash for the amount deposi...


If you are conducting business then definitely open a business bank account for that. The primary reason is simply to have a separation of concerns. It's a huge hassle to have to have sort through a personal bank account to find all your business items when you need any kind of financial report...


I have more than 7 years of experience in digital marketing, managed over $50,000 in ad spend on various social media networks and currently managing over 30 Social media assets for various clients. You can add as many Funding sources to your Facebook Ad account as you want but all campaigns in...


I love what Lee said about being yourself but staying on message. And Ali was right: choose your goals then plan backward from them. Twitter is a tree: the more your water, fertilize, and prune it, the stronger it will be. Here are a few quick tips: · Actively prune inactive and spam accounts...


You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.


sounds like you don't trust whoever you spoke with - go with your gut and move along. You need great lawyers and accountants behind you but there are plenty out there that don't remotely get canadian start up land. The answer to your question is they are trying to understand your setup and thos...


You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...


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