
Results for: Accounting

I am not an accountant, but I do have a good understanding of this concept. It works like this. If you are self employed there is a slef employment tax on all your income of 15%. This essentially goes toward social security and Medicare. So let's say you make $100k in profit that means it's $...


Depending on what classifies the transactions as fraudulent will determine next steps. If the fraudulent transactions were due to the cardholder having their card stolen and then being used to make fraudulent purchases you should work with your merchant services provider. Within your gateway or...


The nature of this questions is shaky. Do you want an entire strategy outlined here? Are those 5K friends relevant at all? Are they targeted and engaged followers? With organic reach so low, I wouldn't be excited if those 5K people went straight over to his fan page. In the end, what does th...


Dear Client, I am a Merchant exporter. I had lot of experience in International fund transfers. Normally Banks will automatically charge wire transaction fees. But there is no way the respective banks ask for Western union money transfer fees, So probably that's a scam. Kindly call up on your ban...


If you're not an American or Canadian citizen + you have no physical location, you only pay your Estonian taxes.


Hi: Good job tackling this important exercise. There are many entrepreneurs who shy away from it. That said, if you're in the US, check out SCORE ( The organization has chapters around the country or you can connect virtually. This is the perfect type of project for their ...


The actual process of this is based on the company policy. I deal with some companies that will not mix the two types of income at all, while other companies treat all of it as earnings. As far as the legality of it when you receive the funds, it is totally up to the applicable tax laws for you...


It depends completely on the legal documents you both signed related to his investment in the company. Those documents will either provide for "information rights" or not. If the documents don't stipulate to these kinds of rights, you are not obliged to show the investor anything.


If what you mean is that there isn't the option to verify a phone number located in Nigeria is because Clickbank not accept people from Nigeria. BUT there's a trick. It's explained here: Anyway: did you consider the opti...


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