You really don't need to do that. Most people use an "ad-exchange". See this I've used RightMedia in the past (now part of Yahoo).
The perfect strategy is to show your client what their benefit and return on investment would be on this specific advertisement. This is what they are looking for from your pitch. It is great if you show them a positive benefit that they will receive from the advertisement. An example would be a ...
Content monitization completely depends on the traffic that you are getting, because without traffic analysis it will be blind attempt. So first analyse your current traffic then you can explore monitization platforms like Google Adsense etc or even you can go with affiliate offers that will give...
Can you give any industry specific data? What types of products are you selling?
What are you currently using to track conversions? Google Analytics? There are a number of ways to accomplish what you are speaking about and it will depend on how robust of a solution you desire and also what your sales cycle looks like. One simple solution is to use the Google Analytics "Mult...
The first question you need to answer is who is your audience? Who are you trying to reach with your advertising? If for example, you were promoting a local restaurant, Facebook may be a good choice. If you are trying to reach business owners, LinkedIn may be a good choice (its more expensive tho...
The business model should (in most cases) adapt to your product. No the other way around. I wrote two examples of how companies should adapt their monetization strategy to what their customers actually want the product to do, and not the other way around. You can read them here: https://medium.c...
No it is not. Unless you are a big name you place yourself next to strong competitors that are supported by big budgets. Start small with friends, friends of friends, get reviwes, create a blog become known and maybe spend some money with FB ads. If you have the budget print some copies and figh...
I will give you 4 ways to monetize and sell your plugin. First of all, I need to say that you are using social media and Adwords which is fine, but getting the traffic to your plugin page is the challenge. And if you are using social media, are those people in your target market to even want th...
The easiest way to advertise on Facebook and IG is via Live video. Follow the 3 Es: Educate, entertain, or enlighten. Teach your audience, make them laugh or wow them, or enlighten them with a story about you. If you do the Live video on Faebook and you stay under 10 minutes, you can download and...