
Results for: Advertising

If I understood correctly, you are planning to create the app for free in exchange for percentages/shares in the business/startup? If so, the best option would be to partner with accelerators/incubators and other organizations that work with startups who have good ideas. I personally work with hu...


I am a firm believer in hiring professionals to do a professional job. We have worked with dozens of freelance videographers and helped brands achieve some sharp marketing videos. So some tips: 1) Hire a freelance videographer and writing team. Developing a story board is not easy and there are ...


I recommend targeting the brand owners/marketing departments directly. You then can likely find out the decision makers and can make your pitch directly to them. I have found this easier than going through ad agencies.


I know that on Facebook and Twitter you can schedule ads and posts so that question should be answered. I know in Facebook you can target users by whether they're using a mobile or desktop device and also by which operating system they're using i.g. iOS or Android You can also target by intere...


Tying your compensation to your performance can not only increase your revenue stream, but also your chances of closing new deals. Instead of replacing your pricing model, you can keep your current monthly rate, but add one or more of the pricing models discussed below. This should not endanger ...


It depends on what you're looking to monetize it with. One recommendation is affiliate marketing, because it happens under the table, in a sense. For example, get the plugin provided at the bottom of this answer. Browse amazon for products particular to your audience. If you're running a Faceb...


AdsML could be relevant. Their website looks like there's nobody home but the xml tech behind it would still be valid, however and is described on the site. As CEO of an online advertising software company, we contributed expertise, defining concepts and working out methods ...


You have a few options here. 1. Find marketing consultants or local marketing agencies that are looking for interns through local job boards and through LinkedIn. 2. If you already have LinkedIn, pull off a list of email addresses for your contacts and then write them all an email explaining pr...


Hi, that's because you're marketing it all wrong. I checked out your app and the free content doesn't seem compelling enough to want to pay for the rest. Your messaging is all over the place trying to target every possible audience within the college environment. An app like this should be nati...


You can use LinkedIn ads to focus on your specific target audience based on things like: industry, job title and function. Facebook also has specific categories regarding job types, I'm not sure if "hotel managers" is on the list. Best of luck! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.


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