I've advised 40+ startups on hiring, org structure, and leadership, and excited to take a stab at this question. The key first is defining in more detail the role you need today and the role you aspire the company will need 12 months from now. Where do they intersect? What hard skills vs soft s...
20-100k/day depending on their size - it's a big investment. Why don't we hop on a call to discuss further and next steps to help you target them?
The answer depends on your situation: You could be a start-up that is more concerned with not blowing tons of money, or you could be in a rush to be done. In both situations, your objective is to find inventory sources that work quickly and then massively scale into those inventory sources. I am ...
Get a tool like screencast or camtasia and narrate as you navigate your website. Its the equivalent of storyboarding and most freelancers should be able to relate.
Advertising is one of the ways to get traction, but for most brands it takes over 6 months (or a year) to build any income at all. It's a good way to promote local stores or coffee shops, and cheaper products, but the cost per click is high for online products and the initial investment is signif...
I say to pitch the idea or 'outline' first. Have someone (on the payroll) responsible for sourcing opportunities, then ask your bloggers to pitch ideas. (For consistency's sake - consider bringing them together at a daily or weekly meeting?) From there, pitch the ideas to the brands or agencies ...
I have worked in the mortgage industry for over 20 years. My experience spans origination, MSR, banks and mortgage companies. I understand the current issues with mortgage pricing, servicing, and regulatory concerns. I have a very deep research pool and can provide analysis, commentary, and opini...
I don't think it is what you are looking for, but MailChimp.com was created by mistake from a services agency. They were sending emails for their clients and the next thing you know, they were making most of their money from send costs and the rest is history. Sorry I can't be more help.
UX research companies are your best bet for creating personae. They understand a lot about your users from you and your team, then go on the field and talk to a certain number of users (online or face-to-face), they will finally create rich personae for you. If you want to conduct conceptual tes...
Firstly - it is not always about spending a fortune on marketing and advertising. It is more about laws of physics than math. If you can put enough force into things that all increase the energy of that force - meaning, doing less isolated efforts of marketing but more integrated approach. Look ...