
Results for: Advertising Agency

I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'. There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: (Sometim...


I recommend targeting the brand owners/marketing departments directly. You then can likely find out the decision makers and can make your pitch directly to them. I have found this easier than going through ad agencies.


I say to pitch the idea or 'outline' first. Have someone (on the payroll) responsible for sourcing opportunities, then ask your bloggers to pitch ideas. (For consistency's sake - consider bringing them together at a daily or weekly meeting?) From there, pitch the ideas to the brands or agencies ...


I love this question! First off, congrats on the achievements thus far. My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the founder of, a small hybrid agency that brings big business solutions to small growing companies. I've helped bring some products to Shark Tank, helped political figures stra...


Tying your compensation to your performance can not only increase your revenue stream, but also your chances of closing new deals. Instead of replacing your pricing model, you can keep your current monthly rate, but add one or more of the pricing models discussed below. This should not endanger ...


Who do you have the better relationship with? If you know the marketing director, then by all means go for it directly. If you go through the agency, just make sure they have buy in and will be a champion of the idea. If not, then they may not be able to push it through anyway.


Advertising is one of the ways to get traction, but for most brands it takes over 6 months (or a year) to build any income at all. It's a good way to promote local stores or coffee shops, and cheaper products, but the cost per click is high for online products and the initial investment is signif...


This all depends on your income targets. Tip: If you're looking for highest rates, you'll avoid new grads like the plague. They have no experience, so you're talking about competing on price. For example, I work as a Fractional CTO... charging... well... a massively high hourly rate + percentag...


Hi Roger, You can set the process for running Facebook campaigns for many clients. There are few tools available which can be helpful to auto schedule your campaigns.


A PR Agency will (should) price this based on value to the client. You would be wise to do the same and avoid the hourly-rate blackhole. Work with your client to determine the value of the deliverable to them, and price accordingly. Internally, you should now how much you want to earn per hour,...


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