Hmmm? This is a tough one because your product is so wonderfully horizontal, meaning it applies to a very broad set of cases. I'd slice and dice in two directions. First, I'd think about the general process of collaboration on a document, for example: a) drafting - are two people actually wr...
Make certain songs or part of songs, interviews, etc available until you get X amount of thumbs up on Youtube or Likes on Facebook. Gate it so they have to bring a crowd to open up the doors to new content.
Here's my top 10 list, pulled from others. 1. *Know where you are going and why.* Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers did not start with what they were doing or how they were going to get there. They knew their purpose first and the rest followed. Watch Simon Sinek at TED: How...
Does your startup absolutely require that you be in Toronto? Why not do both? Take the opportunity of the exchange and start working on your startup on the side (and be ready to get into it in full force when the exchange is finished). I started a company when I was 18 and was traveling the wor...
In italy you have a saying along the lines of: "Doctors usually suffer from what they cure"... meaning they're too busy being good and helping others do that one thing that they don't do it for themselves. I see the same for myself: I have 50+ apps in the App Store but unfortunately none of them ...
As a web designer, online visibility is incredibly important when it comes to branding globally. Depending on your business, a lot of your global business goals can be achieved by setting up an online business. You should register domains in the countries you'd like to market to, such as the US...
Best to talk with your Tax Preparer about this. I suggest H&R Block Executive Tax Services. They're highly competent. If you're a US Citizen you're taxed on 100% of your global income anyway. If you haven't been paying tax on 100% of your income, your best action is to immediately work with you...
Depends on how you plan to get hired. If you go the traditional route, which I say is akin to using stones and clubs in today's era, then you want your resume littered with keywords the HR departments of the large companies you're targeting are looking for. If you want to do something that will...
Checked your website; very very cool. I used to have an advertising agency, responsible for sales & client strategy. I'll cannibalize an answer I gave on Quora for this one: About getting clients, do: - charity work - hackathons and Startupweekends and such - design competitions - direct work...
Do a great video of yourself making art out of horseshoes. Make sure your sound is professional and tell us an engaging story. Cover your interview with lots of B-roll images of you doing your craft. Put extreme close-ups of your tools and materials while we hear you tell your story. Duration 3 t...