
Results for: Advice

You'll ideally want to talk to an "Intellectual Property" attorney. I'd recommend taking a screenshot over everything on the site including their Terms of Service. You may be able to find an attorney that reviews it for free and tells you if you have any chance of pursuing the case. Check your s...


As lawyers have jumped in already with lawyerly advice, I'll offer you a different perspective to your question. Apple allows two types of publishers into the app stores. Individuals and Corporate Accounts. Corporate Accounts require a Dun & Bradstreet number which of course, require a corpor...


Try Elance. Whether you are selling B2B or B2C, you have to focus on selling to only one person. You can actually sell to one person at a time while selling to millions at a time. They are one and the same. Don't get off track, what we call digital marketing selling is just selling in print. An...


I'm a feelance CFO and I work actively with early stage companies. I've been at this for almost 30 years. Some of my current and recent clients wrestle actively with this very questions. My advice is to have the tough conversations right up front, early in the team building process. This usually...


If you don’t mind trying to schedule a meeting with me I could give you some great advice !


You need the terms and conditions. What you can do though is simply changes the specs of the terms and conditions to accomodate this segment of your clients. People who want the license but are willing ( for whaterver reason ) willing to aquire the product on their own dime can still do so. Prot...


If you're prepared to hire a professional, then I'd be happy to help locate or create a brand name for your service. However, it seems presumptuous to pick a title for a book I have neither written nor read. Since I don't know your project or your audience, should I really be urging you to live...


It is a knee jerk reaction from me to ask anyone considering raising funds; Do you really need to? Keep in mind, that question is coming from a guy who owns a funding platform and built a seven figure professional services business that helps people raise funding. I can give you plenty of persp...


Surround yourself with people who have done it before. Not consultants, not coaches, people who have walked the path you are embarking on. The good news is that the startup community is the most helpful business community of any industry, by miles. I'd be happy to do a call to help you figur...


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