It may be your messaging. Do you have current clients? If so, ask them what they like about working with you. That is the message you should use to go to the market. I have several clients where I gave them that challenge, go ask your best clients why they work with you. When they heard the me...
Some great suggestions Brandon! And it sounds like you're already using a lot of great insight tools. I'm not totally sure what you are looking for data wise, but what I've found to work in a lot of situations is simply using the Chrome Inspect tool. Essentially; 1. I right click over the objec...
Sounds like you don't have your tracking code set up correctly. I suggesting hiring someone who can spend an hour and take a look to see if you can get the tracking working properly and go from there.
This might be in my wheelhouse, but if not, I know who I can refer you to. I currently the Chief Growth Officer of a startup that has SaaS and Marketplace services. I’m in charge of growth strategy, revenue generation, customer retention, GTM strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, fun...
Much, if not all, of what you are looking for can be accomplished in Google Analytics using their Conversion Goals. I am not sure about *all* of it - specifically the information you want the merchants to have access to. There are tools that do analytics better and more detailed for applications...
Personally I stopped using amp pages. Sure, it speeds up your site a little bit if it's a blog but I feel they're a worst user experience than having your regular site load on a faster server. The reason you're most likely seeing a high bounce rate because if someone is reading on Google News t...
Yes. While Experiments reporting is session based, a user is kept into the test, seeing the same variation the whole time, so when they convert, they will be attributed to the test variation they have been seeing. This is limited to the same browser on the same device, so if the user changes de...
You'll find that looking at top line revenue alone won't provide much value to you if you are asking the question "Is my advertising spend worth it?" Typically, in advertising I want to know the Lifetime Value of the customer or the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU). Then, it boils down to : If I ...
It all depends on whether they are all selling the same thing to the same persona. If yes, then combine all the campaigns into one adwords account, which feeds into one analytics account. That way they can get feedback on the effectiveness of different keywords, ads, etc. more quickly (because th...
Google Analytics, Mixpanel or Kissmetrics are good tools that allow you to do it. The only inconvenient thing about the last 2 is that you need to set up "events" to understand your flow it and it might just take too much time. If you've configured your ecommerce module on GA you will probably ...