First of all, there is no "one size fits all" attitude in angel investing. I will tell you that the *best* angels will make a snap decision by playing with the product and assessing founder/market fit. At the right valuation, the kinds of angels you really want backing you will invest purely ba...
Almost every angel investor is going to want to meet you in-person to make a decision, so it depends on the amount of capital and time you are willing to spend in meeting investors outside of NYC. I would personally go to any length to meet an investor who has expressed interest in meeting wit...
You are asking one question and inferring another. Do you want to know if it is possible to raise that amount on a crowdsourced site or are you asking for the best crowdsourcing site for your fundraising? In short, yes. It is entirely possible to raise that level of funding without a VC and on c...
It depends completely on the legal documents you both signed related to his investment in the company. Those documents will either provide for "information rights" or not. If the documents don't stipulate to these kinds of rights, you are not obliged to show the investor anything.
Wow, lots of questions here. Let me try to hit them in order: "Should I get a job or find investors?" IF you have access to enough investor capital (not debt and not your savings) and you can get to MVP and still maintain ownership of a sizable majority of the business then do it. IF that...
Josh, I am a contract and negotiation expert. I have over 8 years of small business advising and consulting experience. A more detailed bio is easily available on all social media and this site. Let me be a lawyer and give this disclaimer *This is not legal advice, and this information does e...
Hell no. I've been in the startup world since 1995, and no one has ever asked me for such a thing.
Vehemently disagree with Noam that you should spend anytime on a business plan. You should be spending *all* of your time getting your product to market. The likelihood of any investor investing at the pre-product level is low. While it does happen, it is almost always when investing in a prove...
Sounds like you're doing a great job already. Well done. Based on the continuous increase in growth, and assuming that there is a growing market for your product, it shouldn't be too difficult to find an investor. What you would need is to create 2 investor pitch decks (presentations): one whic...
Whenever shares (or options) are issued, the language is normally "fully-diluted shares"... and what that means is that you *authorize* the number of shares necessary for all potential [foreseeable] options to vest. You'll need to stop talking "%" and start talking in actual share numbers. Let'...