
Results for: Animation

First hire a credit cleaning company. This will cost you roughly $200 USD. I ignore my credit till I require it, then use a credit cleaner, because the entire credit report industry is pretty much a racket. All manner of junk shows up on credit reports over the years. You can clean all this you...


Assuming you have actually identified someone in this role and you're asking about the legal side of things, I'd say that beyond a legal entity by which to enter into an employment or contractual agreement that has the standard assignment of rights, confidentiality, etc, you're probably fine for ...


It is difficult to give you a clear answer without knowing more about your company and product. Are you looking to sell or just want someone to advise you on what/how to do it?


You can build based on your traffic a fee for backlinks based on industry and it could be a price list for 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, ..., 5 stars. By saying so you can stimulate entrepreneurs and blogers to engage people to vote on a small widged you can build and put on their website in order ...


I actually helped a cousin open a very successful Mini Putt with Snack Stand that made money in it's first year and onward. Perhaps I can assist?


Try the telephone test. Every time someone in your family or someone else at the company calls you, answer the phone with the name. How does that feel to you? Does the person at the other end understand exactly what you just said? Try the cocktail party test - imagine you're at a football game o...


Depending on the data, you can either use one of the following. Google Spreeshet / Charts: I use this for real time analytics generated from our system to quickly visualize the information. There's a simple JSON API that lets you pull that in although their is limits on the amount of rows you c...


I personally use Sprout Social and manage 56 different brands from a single interface. It not only allows we do outward posting across all the major platforms with advanced scheduling, I can also get very detailed insights into the engagements of my post and all the essential demographics as to ...


I recently started my own fitness based company, tailored to athletes, and I've been an athlete in organized sport for 14 years. It really depends on what you're looking to work on. For example, if you want to gain mass, you're going to need access to weights. If you're strictly looking to do ca...


If the investor is spending his precious time meeting with you, then I assume he has at least some interest in your event. If that's the case, then in my opinion, yes it would be a nice gesture and appreciated. Good luck with your pitch!


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