
Results for: App Marketing

You need to consider good, old fashion SEO. Do some basic keyword research to understand how people might be searching for your app - or what it offers - and adjust or develop web content targeted for that search. If you're able to get rankings for these searches, you'll begin to see the increa...


An open beta or an initial limited access for 100 users, or something like that? If it's a good game, it'll grow organically from there. Encourage people to share their experiences via Facebook and Twitter.


Some tips: 1) Fix the name and screenshots: The game dynamics are geared towards people that dislike Trump, or at least his wall idea, and yet A) Your game title is "Trump's Great Wall" B) The icon is a picture of Trump's face C) The first two screenshots show Trump happily building his wall....


There are very few good sources to find specific groups of sites that accept guest blogs. My advice is to find blogs you like and respect and email them to see if they accept guest blogs. For example, my site at sees a few thousand visitors per day and I'm always looking for good ma...


you are on the right track mate, i have been working with apps for over 4 years, and only recently been working with paid advertising - there is a lot you can do for free marketing - just google it, and keep trying and learning - this is great learning tool for understanding the entire App marke...


I think if you're going to pursue a studio approach, you should assume that you will not be able to raise much in the way of outside equity funding. Most investors do not want to invest in a team that is pursuing multiple projects at the same time for a variety of reasons. To the extent that ...


I believe the commission is just 2 percent and not 7 percent. It's been a while since I've been out of the affiliate game but I believe if you can join their program through commission junction as well.


Here are the main alternatives to AdMob divided into tiers based on scale: Tier one: a) MoPub b) Amazon Publisher Services c) Facebook Audience Network Tier two: a) Verizon b) Smaato c) Fyber d) MobFox e) InMobi f) AdColony g) Rubicon h) AppNexus i) Pubmatic j) OpenX k) Chartboost l) Unity Ads m)...


Hi. This one is easy to answer, but hard to solve. If you want to have live content in a mobile app that is updated over the Internet (ex: via the cloud), then you can *only* house that content on servers INSIDE China. I have a lot of experience trying to support everything from mobile games to ...


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