Rental businesses are way different from sales businesses. Most entrepreneurs think all eCommerce solutions can be used to develop a rental marketplace, but the requirements to develop one are way different. To elaborate, rental orders are simply more complex than sales orders. For example, the...
Yes, my agency uses 4-5 freelancers at any given time. We create marketing and social strategy plans for freelancers, consultants, and experts. I'm happy to connect, if you'd like. Best of luck, -Shaun
Here are some tips: 1) Start with a short 1 sentence intro. 2) Get right to the point quickly in a clear and easy to understand way. Eliminate all long winded and/or confusing language. 3) Most people will be very wary of clicking links in a cold-call email. Partially because it would take tim...
You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.
Start by reviewing everything your competitors do.
Use to find them. They have a 14 days free trial. The tool will let you filter by founding and type of company, so it will probably give you what you need.
Products like ZenDesk have a whole system built around help centers and tickets. Discourse and Disqus offer forum-like discussions. WordPress has several forum plugins. And that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. My assumption would be that a deeper search on Google will come ...
Good question. 6% churn per month on $5M is $300,000. Seems like a lot of money to me without even knowing your cost of customer acquisition. It's like trying to fill a leaking bucket. A little uptick in churn rate will have a HUGE NEGATIVE impact on your valuation: you reduce your LTV and ARPA w...
great questions - we see this situation with our clients pretty frequently at my firm. based on my own years of SaaS/tech sales, marketing and project management experience, I would say the path most likely to get adoption is actually discovered before the demo is delivered, rather than after. ...
From everything I've seen, 20-35% is definitely the sweet spot. It certainly depends on the price point and some people start lower but build in incentive criteria to bump the percentage up after a certain milestones have been met.