Because single users can use it for free with some restrictions (like only 1 chat at a time).
There are 100s of companies targeting the exact same market with a very similar product. Do you have a very different offering? Do you compete on anything other then price? I suggest picking a niche other then startups. Pick a market that is less well served and has larger budgets.
Good question. Which idea makes more sense? You could organize a survey to be distributed to a small group of people that represent your potential clients. See where the demand is and make your decision on that. The less-niche approach sounds sort of like Craigslist, which might be hard to compet...
Are you referring to doing an intake call, discovery call, sales call...?
It's really impossible to answer this question without a fuller analysis of your specific tax situation. "Float between" won't be the terminology used in a tax treaty! That being said, we've attempted to distill down different incorporation options at Incorporations.IO which is a free comparison...
A reseller typically purchases the SaaS at a discounted price and bill their client directly. I've seen reseller discounts range between 10% and 50%. The discount should be competitive with your industry, and allow a reasonable ROI for resellers. The reseller discount is typically for the life o...
B2B or B2C, at the end of the day.... you're dealing with "P2P" People to People. If your message is relevant within the context, you will get a high rate of response. Based on our experience, we start by doing research into the demo and where they live. And create highly targeted video camp...
Several years ago, I manufactured product and stumbled upon a website called RangeMe. I assume there are others like it. With this platform, I could post my products and their wholesale cost and margins. Then, retailers and distributors could see my products and choose whether or not to engage ...
This product is very interesting. I would love to learn more. I am Arizona based Strategy professional, as in I am an actual graduated strategy professional, not just a self touting one. I honestly, don't see any difference in what you are selling whether is white label or not. I know there is a...
There are many strategies that work for new sales people using LinkedIn, one of my favorite is active lead gen. For high ticket sales, new hires do well to talk to the sales manager about who the company's best clients are. Armed with this knowledge, the sales person can profile the common trai...