I did a quick web search for you and came up with Jeremiah Owyang's blog. I have met him and he's a genius. http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2009/09/22/checklist-develop-a-successful-advocacy-program/ Should answer all your questions. Re: tracking and measurement I'd say "PR mentions" is a...
Without a dedicated advertising budget, you're going to have to put in a lot of man hours with guerrilla marketing at first. I would create a quick 5-10 slide PDF highlighting the benefits of the service and the real value to your clients. This can be at the ready as a followup to actual conver...
Im sure you'll will find many diff approaches but overall your main goal, once you contact, is to always be accessible, friendly and build relationships. Even if your relationships are thin, they are better quality leads for business than you simply walking into a business pitching your product. ...
Try Elance. Whether you are selling B2B or B2C, you have to focus on selling to only one person. You can actually sell to one person at a time while selling to millions at a time. They are one and the same. Don't get off track, what we call digital marketing selling is just selling in print. An...
I agree with Joseph: an objective assessment from a professional will provide the balanced insight you're looking for. You can accomplish that very inexpensively with a Clarity call ... or a couple of calls to different experts. Here are some of the things we'd want to know (and which you can as...
Agreed with Sergio: you probably want to stay away from this one. We get branded by those we hang around. And if you're hanging around financially troubled firms, you'll get branded that way. And what happens to them rubs off on you. They go bankrupt, you were somehow involved...you must be at l...
Start with https://PostCardMania.com which allows you to start with very good list, as they mail massively every day. And a postcard sequence can quickly churn out (butter churn causing cream to rise) the "cream" of every list which will produce your highest profits. These guys manage intersect...
Pop-ups are generally pretty obtrusive to the user experience and may actually have a negative impact on your conversion rates. I'd recommend refining and testing your calls-to-action (including offer, copy, image, & placement) to make sure those are as optimized as possible. I'd also recommend ...
I have been involved in several multimillion B2B businesses that relied on leads to make sales. The solution is simple, but hard at the same time: you should do this inhouse. Nobody knows your business better than you do. You understand your USPs and the added value that your services can bring t...
A better question to ask in my polite opinion is what offer you make that cannot be refused, to paraphrase Godfather, and to whom. You have to analyze your competition and your business deeply. Then define what is the intersection of a large market, great proposition, ability to service, and uniq...