You're facing an uphill battle. Angels and Seed Funds see a new app every hour of the day. Same goes for incubators and accelerators. No one will invest cold because there is no way to protect it. There's nothing patentable. You'll have to show rapid user adoption. If you can hit 10-20k users wit...
If you have already validated the product, I would suggest you to do some market research. What is the high and the low end that the consumers are willing to pay. 1. How many "Bulk Buyers" are out there and how much do they pay you per home compared to how many "High-End Buyers" are out there a...
Having been in the position as an advisor, this is what I think an advisor expects: a. Equity Ownership. This depends upon how much involved an advisor into the start-up. b. A flat fee and a percentage pie on every transaction the stat-up makes(Not the profit margin) c. At my early stage, all I ...
We ALL like to pay as little as possible but we're happy to pay $4 for a latte from Starbucks because a, caffeinated beverage is worth more than that at that time and to that person. Prove the value. Prove that your software is worth (either saving them money or making them money) 2X or 5X or 1...
The best way is to offer early adopters a discounted rate and lock it in for life. Make it a no-brainer for them with the understanding that they are your beta group and that you will ping them from time-to-time for feedback on concept improvement.
Interesting. First step is to validate your idea with the market: Set a minimum success criteria for how many customers you want to have on Day 1 to prove that the business is validated with the market. For example, set a goal to get 5 people to pre-pay for jet ski rentals and go to talk to peopl...
Great question, To get traffic from SEO it must be done diligently. And the best way to do that is from a well structured article. The key things to remember that will help your pages rank well: Keyword Headings Put your most important keywords here. They must be coherent, simple yet descriptive...
It's highly unlikely that you will be able to find competent full-stack mobile developers willing to work with you for equity, but if you do, "fair" compensation would be 50% or more of the equity in the Company. Approaching any developer with just an idea, diminishes your credibility as a pot...
Yes, it will track. They're pretty good at parsing partial data. The more you provide, the better you can slice the data later but anything pretty much goes in.
I don't need 3. The first and only thing that you should do is a Proof of Concept (POC) / market validation. Only if it shows positive results, should you move on to the next stages (MVP, funding, founder's etc - depending what you already have/don't have). You can read how to do the validation...