At Bearpaw Partners we get asked the question about content related posts all the time. As we all know Google loves fresh, compelling content. It sounds like you have plenty of content, just make sure its extremely relevant to the topic you are posting about. How often are you planning on bloggi...
Place your program on JVZoo or another affiliate marketing platform and pay an affiliate fee to the marketers for promoting your program. Give away a lot of free but valuable content to your online sphere of influence through twitter, linkedin, G+, FB, etc. If you would like to schedule a free ...
If you like it, go for it. Blogging takes a lot of energy and commitment, so go with a name that resonates with you first and foremost - you want it to be a place you really enjoy writing. That said, it can be helpful to 'brand' something in a way that's easy to remember - easy to spell, easy to ...
I may be able to help you. Send me a message.
If you mean in Clarity then contact support from your profile dropdown. If you mean in a product you are creating (as this question if filed under 'Startup Consulting') then most definitely yes. As this is a complex area when requirements gathering, I setting up a call with me. I help software ...
Well you should store it in a database, most probably an SQL based database. MySQL is a fine start, free and easy to set up. But, you had best start thinking about security issues, especially if you are planning on storing credit card and other personal information. Hackers go right through the ...