
Results for: Blogging

There is a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding content marketing and its need within a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Doing content marketing is much more than publishing on your blog occasionally and posting your thoughts on social media. “Do stuff and maybe it will work” is not a strate...


Wordpress will give you many more blogging options and capabilities than Shopify. There are also numerous plugins for Wordpress that allow you to sell services. WooCommerce is great for selling products, but you may want to find a plugin that allows you to sell just services. You don't really nee...


What about a "Financial Minimalism" blog? Even places like the "simple" dollar is pretty busy and cluttered. You could boil each concept down to it's core fundamentals and then provide the absolute easiest solutions you can come up with. For instance, instance of have 8 blogs about each facet o...


One of the best resources BY FAR for SEO is Their free PDFs ( will keep you awake for nights! Let me know if I can help you further.


Let's think about this for a moment, toaster ovens haven't been a common household appliance since the invention of the microwave. Although they are still found in the homes of the "I wanna be a gourmet chef at home" crowd which is a very lucrative niche'. Instead of limiting yourself to only t...


The highest quality and cost is - $200+ per post. Alternatively, I've uses job board to post an opportunity, and then create a simple "test" for the writers. If they read the instructions and the content is great, try em' out .. if not, then pa...


Two things that immediately come to mind would be use of webinars, that allow for audience participation, covering a specific topic of interest to your audience for either a small attendance fee or as part of a premium subscription. I would lean more towards the premium subscription for the recu...


Are you already submitting your content to social bookmarking sites like Reddit and StumbleUpon? Those sites are great for gaining early traction. As soon as possible, start making a serious effort to convert visitors to subscribers so that you can rely less on social bookmarking sites. Make a l...


It is sad to hear that you have General Anxiety Disorder (GAD). As your first step, choose a pen name when you want to learn how to blog anonymously and make money. If your blog is successful, you may end up using the same pen name for years to come, so do not rush the process. As an example, if...


A few approaches I'm currently using: 1) StumbleUpon Once you create an account, add in some interests. These can be general (e.g. "Technology") or more specific (e.g. "User Interface"). Then, at the top of the page is a big dropdown that by default says "All Interests." Pop that open then p...


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