
Results for: Blogging

Can you alter the post to bring in better traffic? Can you add a form to better qualify traffic and maybe capture email addresses? Could you add ads to that one post and get some revenue? If there are a ton of links to that post it could impact your overall rankings - not by much, but it i...


There are very few good sources to find specific groups of sites that accept guest blogs. My advice is to find blogs you like and respect and email them to see if they accept guest blogs. For example, my site at sees a few thousand visitors per day and I'm always looking for good ma...


Let me tell you what you need to do. Let me give you the magic pill if you will. Take Action. Make a landing page, then...don't stop no matter what. Start posting to LinkedIn, Facebook, everywhere, send emails to your friends, your connections, everybody and get them to go to the landing page and...


Can you promote without content? No. However it does not start with content either, it starts with 'strategy'. What exactly do you want to communicate, what you want your audience to expect in your blog, how you want to hook them, engage them, and participate in discussions. What are your strengt...


In italy you have a saying along the lines of: "Doctors usually suffer from what they cure"... meaning they're too busy being good and helping others do that one thing that they don't do it for themselves. I see the same for myself: I have 50+ apps in the App Store but unfortunately none of them ...


If you got 5000 sites to link to your site using the same keyword you'll likely be flagged for spam and attempting to manipulate the search results. That is an old-school attempt at SEOing a site that Google and the other search engines have already developed algorithmic answers to. There are th...


A very good question, with many long, complex answers. As a starting point, take a look at flippa offerings to get an idea of common metrics disclosures. You can also search for flippa + metrics + read up on the entire deal flow of site sales. In general, most sites sell for 2.5x-7x yearly pro...


Content optimization is about producing content that your audience find valuable. You can start with optimizing existing page content rather than focusing on producing new content on your blog. Here, optimize titles, descriptions, headings and messaging for topical/keyword focus. You can also l...


My answer might seem a bit too simple, but anyway: why not put both - your direct number for people who prefer to first 'get to know you' before scheduling a consult, and the Clarity widget for people who already know what they want, and just need some quick advice. Just take into account that i...


Step 1. Write 10 epic posts that mention the work of other well known influential people in your niche Step 2. Reach out to these people and ask them if they'd give you their opinion on your posts. Get them to leave their opinion in the comments. Keep asking until you have at least 10 people who'...


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