1. Paid targeted traffic to a sales page. 2. Free giveaways of one book, hoping to get paid sales of another. 3. Podcast/radio show guest appearances discussing the book's topic. 4. Get an authority talking about your book. 5. Affiliate marketing--get one of your books included as content or ...
Such a great question, and one that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out with the last four books that I published. There are several ways that marketing a book can be done, but only a few ways that make the process fairly simple and give you the results you want. Wattpad is a great way to...
I'm a developer at Clarity and was involved in the development of this feature. This specific feature was developed in house. We keep event logs around for a log of things and this feature is built on top of that. When you visit a certain page showing interest in an expert, we'll schedule a job ...
Forget books, if you want to understand CSR just go online and read about case studies of CSR nightmares and read content from those who hate corporations. This will tell you both the problems and results of bad CSR. The solutions will be obvious.
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While you might be able to expect initial sales from family and friends who know about it, actual sales from people stumbling upon your book depends on a few factors when you upload it. 1.) Have you chosen the correct keyword phrases and categories? 2.) Are these categories extremely competitiv...
What value do THEY get from subscribing to your newsletter? The answer should be: "lots of value, and I make it obvious to readers in language they care about." I've written two how-to books. In each, I point to a book-specific landing page with resources. For my first (on public speaking as a f...
The main reason people opt-out of your mailing list is because you are not offering anything of value to them, whether it be through sample products, free information that solves a problem, or simply offering them a free ebook. Another reason people will opt-out is because you send too many emai...
Hi there, A good question to consider is this: are people willing to pay to read what you want to write? Do your interests represent a big enough "market" to create and sustain a livelihood? People who make a living out of publishing online seem to have one thing in common: they figure out where ...
Moz.com is a great resource for any knowledge level. They offer advice spanning from strategic level through to in-depth technical tutorials.