
Results for: Booking

Contact a local publisher. I have done this before when I had a good idea for a book one time. Yellow pages or Google search then make the call. Good luck!


Such a great question, and one that I spent a lot of time trying to figure out with the last four books that I published. There are several ways that marketing a book can be done, but only a few ways that make the process fairly simple and give you the results you want. Wattpad is a great way to...


1. Paid targeted traffic to a sales page. 2. Free giveaways of one book, hoping to get paid sales of another. 3. Podcast/radio show guest appearances discussing the book's topic. 4. Get an authority talking about your book. 5. Affiliate marketing--get one of your books included as content or ...


I don't know if I would suggest a book on "fundraising" because this is a situation in which personality, quality of team, execution and overall market potential play a determinant role in you getting funded. I've read a lot of books! I mean really a lot!! Mainly because i enjoy it, but the book...


If you look at current stats for tourists and travellers, they want fast, technical experiences. Over 60 - 70% want instant bookings by looking on their mobile and getting the confirmation they need. You will attract more individuals by giving them the user experience they are looking for. With ...


If you sign up with KDP select, you'll be given 5 days where you can drop the price to free. You'll be restricted to only publish on their platform, however. Hit up your email list, use sites like BookBub, or in order to prepare for the discount launch. Start the deal on...


You should start by looking at networks like Behance and scouting designers with portfolios that match your product expectations. Great editorial projects are made by designers who are able to translate your ideas and to visually attractive designs.


Both domains are very important. I suggest that you use both of them in different ways. If you believe that your empiric spirit domain is a "company" that you would like to support in social media and in articles, etc., for years to come, support it on its own domain separately from your person...


Hi There - I'm a development editor and literary agent with over ten years experience in the industry. Saw your question and thought I'd chime in. You can mention the story in your book, yes, but you do need to reference Malcom Gladwell's speech or whomever said it and wherever it came from. I...


Hello there could be many ways to publish your own book with a small cost. About the editing, you can edit the book yourself or hire a graphic designer that will do for you. About publishing, I can suggest platforms like amazon or blurb that have their own publishing platforms that allow you to ...


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