There are several states in the U.S. that will allow you to form an LLC or corporation without having to disclose the beneficial owners of the entity. Wyoming, Delaware and Nevada are the most popular jurisdictions when it comes to privacy protections. Wyoming, for example, has a public datab...
Do a great video of yourself making art out of horseshoes. Make sure your sound is professional and tell us an engaging story. Cover your interview with lots of B-roll images of you doing your craft. Put extreme close-ups of your tools and materials while we hear you tell your story. Duration 3 t...
Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...
Hello! Clarity is an excellent platform for sharing your expertise and helping others. To give your best to others, here are a few tips: 1. Be prepared: Before each call or session, take some time to prepare yourself. Familiarize yourself with the topic or area you'll be discussing. Review any r...
A few options: increase your prices, lower your costs and/or increase your volume. Sounds like you've got a low-margin growing business, but as you can see, it's not what you make, it's what you keep. A staff of six on a $300,000/annual budget doesn't leave much room for profit. You might want to...
You don't need a hotel license. You run your business as a lead generator and leverage the licenses this the owner already pays. The dues are already being paid for the rest of the units so you don't need to compensate the owner additionally for the licenses. You however are a contractor who simp...
Is there some area of your SAP experience that would really resonate with a particular business and a particular problem? For example, if you're a SAP BW expert, you may be able to identify large retail clients who need to use analytics to identify which products and locations are doing best (or...
There are many companies that offer these services as a do it for you. I would recommend you look at a local business vs the services that are offered on line. I am in the LA area and just set up a corporation using the local resource. If they are legit, they will all charge within the same pric...
As a web designer, online visibility is incredibly important when it comes to branding globally. Depending on your business, a lot of your global business goals can be achieved by setting up an online business. You should register domains in the countries you'd like to market to, such as the US...
Checked your website; very very cool. I used to have an advertising agency, responsible for sales & client strategy. I'll cannibalize an answer I gave on Quora for this one: About getting clients, do: - charity work - hackathons and Startupweekends and such - design competitions - direct work...