Have a look at chambers of commerce in the countries you want to export to especially those based near you and ask them for help. A fair few trade missions are now virtual.
I'm in no position to advise on the cost of a Tinder-like app - having never used it myself. I can however share some thoughts on Freemium. Freemium is too often engaged because it is easy - not because it is right for the business. You'll still need to determine how'll you make money, even wi...
The most important thing is to make sure that your immediate network (Husband, family and friends) are able to support you. I have a 15 mth old and a 4.5 mth old and launched my company 1.5 years ago. It was busy, but it worked because I had people in place to help me (with the kids). The ultima...
The best way to go--by far-- is to use a Grunt Fund. A Grunt Fund is a dynamic equity split model designed to provide a perfectly fair equity split for founders of bootstrapped companies. It will tell you exactly how much you and your partner and later partners and employees deserve. It's based o...
What I would offer to you is this piece of advice. First, don't rush to start a business. When you are "tired" after having been in a certain job or certain industry or anything actually, the first thing to do is to take a break. You can't be objective or clear right after you exit somethi...
Hello! This is a great question, alimena many new self-employed or entrepreneurs face. When I started consulting 10 years ago i started mentoring people in this exact situation - you know you're good, but you feel like your skillsets are diverse and you obviously want to do something productive t...
Fantastic question! First, a little about me and why I am qualified to answer. My father served 19 years of a 20 year sentence in prison where he passed and I had challenging background. I never met my birth mother and met my birth father at the age of 18. I've been on my own since I was 16 an...
I have been very impressed with Hubspot’s CRM — $50 per month, per user.
You know, I think your question has been sitting here for a while because you are in a very niche market. I apologize for not having a prompt response. You are right the equipment for this is expensive. Do your homework and post ads through craiglist. Ask on Quora about where to find or who has ...
The most important legal ramification of a Canadian launching a business in Silicon Valley is immigration. You must have a visa that allows you to operate the business (hire and manage employees, etc) in order to be running a business. I started a business in Canada and was able to attract grea...