Okay so I am going to lead by saying I have a bias regarding crowdfunding. Now on to my answer: Kickstarter is for products not companies. If you create a good product and do a kickstarter campaign you will be able to use the funds raised for the product to build your company. https://www.crow...
I am not convinced you need an investor for what you are doing. Why give up part of your company and someone else having a say in your dream. I would start with some simple videos at Udemy, going through that you will learn a lot and move up from there. You may also consider a local intern ...
How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...
amazing question. Relevant to me right as I look for a developer myself. There are not a lot of people looking for app developers, so ads would have been the last thing I would have suggested. An easily scalable business model is to hire local sales contractors to find and funnel leads thems...
Hi: Sounds like things are moving along well -- nice job. There will be fits and starts to any venture, so as you assess what's going on here, consider: * stepping back and realistically determining if you're being fair to this process -- everyone has different work styles and you should respect...
There are several models you can opt for. Freemium: With this model app publishers offer mobile users to download apps free of charge to use with a limited set of features and charge them via in-app purchases for premium features, additional content, or digital goods. In-App Purchases: One of th...
First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...
Great question - so, there are a myriad of ways you can look to monetize apps, but there are really three directly available ways, and a few indirect. Direct revenue generation for your app could include paid (i.e. download cost), in-app purchases (which can include a recurring subscription) a...
Coming from the fashion industry and being connected with so many photographers I know that can be tough! There's no reason you can't make this work. I'd love to hear more about your market and would refer you to Lauren Devon (photography consultant) on monetizing your photography niche. One of m...
I regularly help franchisees in this industry. Send me a message with some of your questions and I'll let you know if I can help in a call. Cheers David