How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...
Hi! It seems like you're early on in regards to developing your idea still. (Not saying you haven't thought of it for a while) It appears that the idea might still need more refining. The hardest and most valuable things an entrepreneur can do early on is simplify the business and idea as much as...
Vehemently disagree with Noam that you should spend anytime on a business plan. You should be spending *all* of your time getting your product to market. The likelihood of any investor investing at the pre-product level is low. While it does happen, it is almost always when investing in a prove...
Great question! I recently came across a mentoring website called which could be a great place to start. Additionally, I like this site as well: One final way you can approach this especially if you are looking to start a business is to ...
There are several states in the U.S. that will allow you to form an LLC or corporation without having to disclose the beneficial owners of the entity. Wyoming, Delaware and Nevada are the most popular jurisdictions when it comes to privacy protections. Wyoming, for example, has a public datab...
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but generally, these are not the types of businesses that venture capital pursues. Due to the risk they are taking, VCs generally want to see a large market (meaning $1B potential) and a significant return on their money (10 times return). However, you can l...
Here's my top 10 list, pulled from others. 1. *Know where you are going and why.* Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers did not start with what they were doing or how they were going to get there. They knew their purpose first and the rest followed. Watch Simon Sinek at TED: How...
As I understand , you have domain expertise in travel industry and have a unique idea that you think will is needed in the market. I also assume that you did some study and came to conclusion that website is what you need (Not mobile first .. re-think !!) If you are a first time found I would s...
Hello, I have run couple of years online business and used indiegogo and kickstarter platforms for presales. I also write on Amazon kindle for e-books on marketing topics. Presently, I am a MBA lecturer who works full time teaching marketing. I would recommend you to do the following: 1) Use Amaz...
Please realize that my suggestion would be slightly different if I knew which two countries. However, without knowing that here's what I'd suggestion: 1. Since you're just getting started figure out which country provides the best legal benefits for starting a company. This should include tax be...