Interesting question, but I doubt anyone humble enough will be able to answer it in a few lines. I'll use an example from sports to answer: all baseball/soccer/football teams have the same amount of players (on the field) and the same roles/positions. They usually also have a similar amount of ma...
In my experience great advice can move across industries in several categories; cash flow management, human resources, process improvement, systems and measurement. Ask him questions relating to how he measures, rewards and retains his best staff. Ask about how he ensures proper cash flow manage...
I'm afraid they will not take you in if you're working with another company. They would see this as a potential conflict of interest. However, that position you're describing -Country Manager- could come with a good salary and opportunities to grow within the company. What you should do is to ma...
If you are early stage then you need two things: an accountant and accounting software. When it comes to finding an accountant, find someone who understands your area of business. Most firms will meet once or twice to get a feel for your needs. In my experience, good accountants will tell you ou...
You can operate your business as a business unit under the corporation through a DBA. There is nothing stopping you from doing that. You might want to check your insurance policy to make sure you are covered but there are no business form issues that I'm aware of that would stop you from doing th...
You answered the question yourself. Preexistence of similar product is an indication of the demand. Given that your product have some additional feature, you should try to leverage the same and gain first mover advantage. Once you hit the tarmac you'll see other ideas evolving within yourself to ...
This is not an easy question as there are many items to consider. Management structure, wages, job descriptions, benefits offered and more. Turn over is a costly part of business, instead of asking the question what is acceptable, I would ask what is not acceptable. Make changes, get insight, con...
As a business owner, I face similar issues myself. I'm sure you already know this but for something like this, you really should consult a lawyer and a tax professional. Having said that, the cleanest and safest way to do this would be to dissolve the current S-Corp and create a new one under a...
If you're a US citizen living outside the country more than 330 days/year, then you meet the Foreign Income Exclusion test. Talk with your tax preparer about this. If you meet this test, you're first $100K (roughly) is income tax free, if + only if you take the money yourself. If you run the m...
Making sales and figuring out what potential customers want. Really, everything else can be done after you've proven that there really is a business opportunity.