
Results for: Career Advising

Be honest with her. Tell her your concerns now, and ask that she give you the same courtesy. The unique skills that you each bring to the table and the passion you both have is what can make the business successful - but only if you can communicate. If you aren't willing to commit 100% right n...


Hi! Ask yourself this, what is most important now and how would that look like in a year? Describe it to yourself and you may find an answer in that. It's never too late to do anything especially something that gives you benefits you deserve and what, however always measure it to what you most va...


Congratulations on starting your new venture. I think you have a couple of different routes and I'm a firm believer of finding a platform that "feels right" to you and focusing your efforts on it. For me, my podcast gives me direct access to my target audience of entrepreneurs and I also target...


I have many years of experience in Workforce Development. There have been many opportunities where employees return to previous employers. There are various points of leverage and there are challenges to consider as well. Your concerns about this potential career move. It's completely natural ...


As someone who has hired and fired quite a few people, the #1 skill that I find most attractive is self-motivation. Those are the people that you are not having to constantly look over their shoulder to make sure work is being done. It's not necessary that you always get it right, but that you wo...


Catch 22? Not at all...You need to project your weakness ( according to you) as a strength. Be open and bold about your online business. It is work experience and not a career break! You take that experience to the companies who are in the same line of business and you are very exciting for them....


Don't worry about the fact that you "failed". What you presumably did is work hard, and learn a lot, and probably created some quality stuff, regardless of whether it ended up being published. That's usually all your potential employers will care about. The people that work for companies that e...


Angellist is a good platform for startups, job finder and investor. I see there are lots of job opening there


If I were 18 again, I'd tell myself, "Don't waste time chasing women you aren't going to marry." Ha. That was probably the single biggest waste of my time, creativity, and money. But to get more serious, I wouldn't focus too much on finding your true passion. You will probably have multiple true...


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