Hi there, I have several connections within multiple publications around the world (North America / Europe). I believe that if we have a chat about your concept, I will be able to guide you to the right people. Let me know if I can be of service to you!
I think you are looking for a small button to go alongside Facebook and LinkedIn? Great idea! While this is not an official answer, I would think you could create a button that links to your clarity profile and add it to your site, ie, "Find me on Clarity," depending upon your technical expertise.
You could ask Vincent http://clarity.fm/vincentroy if you have anything further to discuss.. but here's the short version. We built custom code for all our trigger emails & notifications, and use www.sendgrid.com for SMTP API. We looked at others, but I'm friends with the founder at SendGrid an...
I am building a NewCo with one of the developers that worked in an itailan Expert Platform called http://www.bemyguru.it. Send me more detailed questions about what you need and I will try to help.
11 days and not a peep from any 'Top Clarity Experts!' Simple, find the experts you feel are high-converting and arrange a call. Let me know if your like to chat, I've been on Clarity since 2012.
You can call anyone for advice / feedback on Clarity, you're just not allowed to pitch. So technically we support it today and many people already do this. It's call Customer Development.
If the team has aspirations to build a venture backeable business (i.e. Raise money for equity), then of course you should ask. Ask the CEO if he has a ESOP (Employee Stock Option Plan), and if it's part of the compensation package. You're allowed to ask. As for the right person on Clarity, pr...
Finding a coach is easy - there are many of them out there. Finding the right coach is the challenge. There are several factors to consider: Working with a coach that has similar experience in their background is not absolutely necessary, but can be very valuable. Having someone that can trul...
Hey - as both one of the people behind Clarity, and a very active Clarity expert, I can give you a really simple step that will help a ton. There are other great suggestions in this thread - but this one will help get things moving the fastest. Go to: https://clarity.fm/settings/expert/vip-link...
You say "I want to know how valuable a service that will bring one back to a state of inner peace, clarity and total presence, is to this business world" I coach entrepreneurs and business owners to create masterpieces in their field. One of the ways I help them is by guiding them through feelin...