Message the expert directly and make the request. Many of us are available pre-call to address this kind of issue. If they're pressed for time, they'll let you know and you can reschedule the call. Otherwise, they'll just keep on the call until you've answered all your questions. The calls do ...
My answer might seem a bit too simple, but anyway: why not put both - your direct number for people who prefer to first 'get to know you' before scheduling a consult, and the Clarity widget for people who already know what they want, and just need some quick advice. Just take into account that i...
audio. Good Luck I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After scheduling a call, please send me some background information so that I can prepare in advance - thus giving you maximum value for your money. Take a look at the gr...
Half the people on Clarity, including myself, can do that. The real question is: who understands your business and your marketplace? What level are you at? How many employees do you have, what gross revenue target do you have, is your marketplace expanding or contracting? The usual thing, tho...