We human beings like to be different, create our own USP, want to be our self best and unique but we forget that we are actually the opposite! We are a lot similar than different from each other. In my counselling and coaching services I encourage my caller to open up, share their problems which ...
From what I know, it has to be from client's who've worked with you on Clarity. Best of luck!
According to Clarity's documentation, no. The client suggests times and there is some expected back and forth before a mutually agreeable time is agreed upon. Details here: https://clarity.fm/help/articles/2/how-does-clarity-work
I've been in your shoes. Here's how Clarity has helped me: 1. I meet new people on Clarity who call me, sometimes more than once, then migrate over to my other programs or buy online courses or products. 2. I promote my Clarity page to my existing tribe. What I find is that some people like to ...
I'm a software developer at Clarity and I built the weekly digest email that I'm assuming you are referring to. I can assure you that we do not spy on you and can't keep track of what you have searched for on Google. The subject of the email is the first question shown in the email. The questio...
Yup, check out mine. I get calls every month. Dave www.DavidCBarnett.com
I probably use rabb.it api and integrate it clarity.fm
Easy: answer questions. I love to focus on questions within my defined area of expertise that don't have any answers already posted. I check this almost daily and jump in on questions I feel that I can add value to. You can also review other questions that have answers already, and offer your i...
You need to do two things to get calls. First, optimize your profile so it is clean and professional. Make sure you have a picture of yourself and images to go with each expertise offering. Complete all parts of your profile so potential callers aren't turned away by an incomplete, haphazard a...
I would say travel industry experts first. Based on what you have described, it sounds like you need to figure out what the market segment within the packaged travel/tourism industry that can benefit from your product. Then look at your competition in that market segment and see how they sell the...