Simple question: Simple answer. Yes.
It is possible to replace the theme name with your company name within the source code - but why? Branding your company and creating engaging content will be far more beneficial than swapping out a theme name for your company.
Amazon's only requirement is that you need to buy a “GS1 UPC code” to finalize your product listing and start selling on Amazon. Remember, you cannot create your own Amazon UPC code.
I started a large SaaS Company for B2B where perfection in code is as importante as it gets. So here is my advice, DON'T CODE until you know what the Saas Really is. First start understanding what the problem REALLY is. Interview people and actually spend 100% of your time doing Customer Disco...
I have been working as a Business Entrepreneur and have been working with many of the customers from Europe, North America. While creating a White Label solution, the most important part for the owner is to manage the security for the product as well manage the Quality to be delivered within the ...
These apps are as good as the overall functionality that you require. Goodbarber is probably the better choice overall amongst the two. Goodbarber has more options when it comes to making design changes and also has many different templates you can choose from. Appypie well sucks. The interface f...
I've used to buy over 100 UPCs and have never had a problem at Amazon or any of our 100+ SMB retailers.
This is an awesome question! As a fellow entrepreneur and strategist I can tell you that this is way more common than you may expect. I think social media and public figures like Gary V and the like have built sense of quick scalability by simply getting going and that is simply not the case. In ...
QRs are simple links, typically URLs. To perform any kind of interaction with a 3rd-party system, you need to understand what parameters this system can take as part of a URL and see if it performs the expected use case well. My suggestion is that if you can generate the right use case by typing ...
I am not a lawyer, and I suggest you get one and ask this question of them. When you have the lawyer write up the contract the best thing is to probably include a non-discloser agreement in it, that way they cannot disclose the workings of your code. Next you will want the contract to say they ...