
Results for: Company Culture

I'm going to answer this from the perspective of an engineer who has worked in similar environments and who has had leadership changes that went well, as well as ones that didn't Basically you're describing an environment in which people aren't doing as much as they are capable of, they were wor...


A lot of the decision involved in this depends on the job functions and sometimes, the state you are located in. There are many legal issues surrounding hourly vs. salary. There is "salary-exempt" and "salary non-exempt". Exempt employees don't receive overtime pay; nonexempt employees do. The...


Your Team will have a direct impact on whether or not you will succeed as a business. I know exactly how hard it can be, especially when peoples lives are in your hands. Even more so if you outsource, outsourcing might seem cheap by our standards but that money goes a long way overseas, so usual...


It IS about hiring. And that comes from the attitude of the leadership. If you have lazy workers, have a look at the hiring leaders. You can easily adapt methodologies like SCRUM or SREDIM to your situation: Instead of project manage...


There's many ways to help with this, here's what I do at Clarity 1. Build an email relationship with your supply. They should have direct access to you, and you should build an ongoing drip campaign that teaches them how to improve their experience (and make more money) on Clarity. 2. For memb...


Backwards. I'd make sure that person didn't stay in the company. "One dirty fish muddies the whole pond" It's not personal or malicious - they're just not the right fit. A great skill set, while very important is always secondary to cultural fit if you really want your company to flourish.


Another word for authentic is believable. Meaning the consumer can believe what the brand is communicating about itself, its products and its culture. Apple appears authentic because they demonstrate how their products simplify life and make it more enjoyable. Honda expresses reliability and fun,...


Almost all my clients have the same issue as yours. So your challenges are not unique. While making positive business progress is a wonderful thing, external growth must come with relevant similar pace of internal growth. It seems that you are using the same old management approach/ style despi...


The best ones are done over the weekend. My favorite schedule for it is from Saturday morning until Sunday noon. You could make it a competition for people to build something to solve something specific. They have the liberty to do whatever tool they think best to solve that problem. Also, mak...


Hi Manuel. While I have never structured partnerships between companies and DCA's, I have worked on many strategic alliances with govt agencies (or the like) and companies. Increasingly this is becoming more and more common. Which State are you in? It may be worth reaching out via your network to...


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