
Results for: Company Management

I am not sure that I understood your question entirely but based on my interpretation I would suggest taking a deep look at Teamwork. ( Teamwork is a software platform designed to help organize a company and help it manage tasks and projects. The Teamwork package consist...


Hi there Sounds like a great challenge - would love to bounce some ideas around with you. I've been building businesses for over 12 years now and have consulted with numerous global brands on business strategy, marketing programs, business model design, and digital marketing. Let me know? Best...


Being as collaborative as you can be is a good start. Outside of that, being honest and transparent about why the changes are happening is a good way to build trust with the new team. Keeping a positive attitude and energy around it will also help to soften the blow. Most importantly, continually...


When we did this for our own company we implemented in house, but we were at a high level of execution and resources (<100 employees). If you are small I'd recommend It's a very simple system that you can implement and the payment tiers let you get it fairly "invi...


I use any resource at my disposal, but I think it comes down to a little formula that takes in these two data points: 1) what am I trying to build? 2) what are my strengths? Here's how it works. I basically calculate a "success probability outcome score" based on these two factors. Here are som...


Hi, What you're contemplating is a licensing model. It's like 'franchise lite.' There are several questions you need to answer for yourself before you go recruiting any licensees. For example, are there any business systems that will come with the franchise in addition to the brand name? How...


Depending on the age group your strategy should vary from international fairs or international catalogs great companies like sunwing or Catai are always looking to expand their reach! Strongly recommend real state corporations to publicise your product!


In my experience there are a few things that you want to focus on with KPIs, prior to technology - if you have not already. 1. Validate that the calculations are consistent throughout the organization, regions etc. 2. Validate that the selected KPIs are truly indicators that will help drive succe...


Don't Outsource. Period. While there are big drawbacks with outsourcing related to building internal expertise the real reason I would never outsource at your stage is the need for speed and flexibility. Per your description, you are an early stage start-up with a MVP that is gathering data....


Do you have any internal sales professionals? You should at LEAST have an internal sales director who sets the strategy for a sales force. Then you determine if the proper path is a contracted sales force. I've known companies that have used outside sales teams however NONE that have seen the typ...


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