
Results for: Content Marketing

Let me start by giving you some real data for our agency. When we started blogging we had about 1,000 visitors a month to our website. Today we have 13,000 a month. We currently have almost 700 subscribers to our blog and we blog almost every single day. The result is almost 250 new leads a month...


Surprised PPC wasn't good. What did you try and how long? Did you use things the target market already likes, such as magazines or public figures, as a starting point? One of the most powerful things you can concentrate on as a marketer is bringing around the prospect to your point of view. I do...


There are a number of blog writing / content creation & management resources: Zery's, ion, Ceros, Kapost, for example. However, your best bet is to handle this process in-house on behalf of your clients. Use LinkedIn to connect with freelance writers. Your best results will come when you can par...


It sounds like you are on the right track. In today's world, people consume so much content every day that it makes very difficult for businesses to break through that clutter and get their attention. The big takeaway I think you should continue to focus on is making your message more relatable....


One option is to create drip campaigns that can run automatically after creation. That way you've got content being fed to your audience on a schedule (X days from sign-up), and your overhead is much lower in terms of generating new content. When you have something meaningful to say, you can se...


I love this type of questions because it has to do with strategy which is my sweet spot!! My name is Humberto and I'm the co-founder of a digital marketing agency that allows small business owners and entrepreneurs negotiate their subscription budget. We started offering marketing...


First of all, it is VERY important that you are uploading your videos natively to Facebook, as opposed to simply sharing a YouTube link. Facebook will penalize you for sharing the link, but greatly reward you for uploading the video natively. Whether or not you are already doing that, the easies...


If you simply aggregating information than I don't see any issues with copyright. But, I would seek permission from the brokers/website owners to make sure business is protected. It doesn't hurt asking for permission, and if it directly benefits them to get leads/sales than none of them will say no.


Give them parts of the product for free and if your product is great they will see the value in spending in you. The reality is that even free costs people time and effort, once you have provided them with value to return costing them money is not that much of a risk because they are already vest...


Any aspiring entrepreneur should be reading Fred Wilson's blog: Also, the team from All Things D just launched


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