
Results for: Contract Negotiation

Your business model seems to be a SAAS model (software as a service). The best way to make them forget about your company size is to provide them with a working free trial offer of your software and to get them to input as much of their own data into it so they will think twice before switching t...


What are the company's policies regarding the frequency and timing of employee reviews? Start by checking your employee handbook and make sure you completely understand the policies. You then have a decision to make: you can approach your boss to discuss the matter and try to work it out, you c...


I would set up a simple referral fee agreement. This could be 15% on the overall billing paid out the moment the client pays the market entry consultancy. You may want to include a clause that all recurring business should also attract a referral fee. Consulting assignments with new clients nor...


It looks like you're not looking for someone who can scale and become a full fledged CTO (or you might not even need one), so try to look at it as a founding engineer hire instead. With early founding engineers, you can sell them on things like: - opportunity for learning - understanding busin...


Staff augmentation vs. project work in A&D are really two different companies. Another key segmentation is work that requires certification (NATO Clearance, secret clearance, Airbus/Boeing training, etc). On staff augmentation, a lot of young firms start off bringing in good ex-employees of the...


My guess is you're talking about a proposal being sent to prospective clients. If I were doing Leadgen for a cleaning company, I'd read Dan Kennedy's books. I'd also pickup a copy of the book Kennedy + Buck co-authored about referral generation. is also ...


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