
Results for: Corporate Law

Consult a tax accountant; I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." I do have to ask a question about the wording here. Are these partners as in shareholders of the business, or are they working for it? That will make a difference in how you go about paying the...


Not a canadian lawyer. You should go find a lawyer that knows these things, doesn't mean you can't keep your old one ut if he doesn't know then you need to seek out a specialist that does for that specific matter.


In the US, terms and conditions do not override the law of the land. Depending on the exact situation, and intent, I would suspect that an entity could make the case for fraud, trademark infringement, theft, or copyright violation. The practice will likely get you blacklisted by any search engi...


I'm not a lawyer but I've dealt with similar matters in the past. Technically the author of the post, but you as the publisher you can be liable for the content specially if you don't publish the original credits.


I would probably structure it so that there is a Master Services Agreement with the general terms of your relationship which reference subsequently attached Service Orders (or Scope of Work) each time you engage with them for project or service. When a customer signs up for the SaaS product, I wo...


Business names cannot be legally copyrighted. Any name is fair game. As long as it does not confuse people. Even if it is the exact name but marketed for a different product in a different way and different market. Just don't use a little yellow ghost as your business logo and you'll be fine.


This is a complicated question that likely requires legal advice particular to the startup. However, compensating employees at a seed stage typically takes the form of stock options or restricted stock units (RSU)s. Stock options essentially give you the right to buy shares at a certain price (“...


Doesnt matter for Federal Income Taxes, Only State Income Taxes. You will have to report the income in the State where you generate the income and reside. So report the income in California. But, If you do conduct business in Montana then you would have to complete a Non-Resident Tax Return.


I dont think the location or type of venue matters much in your ability to pursue and negotiate opportunities for vendors, sponsors and or investors. The easiest to pursue is vendors - in fact most smaller events are paid for by the vendors and sponsorships from local organizations who want to re...


If it's just two of you then you need not worry about creating a shareholding agreement. The partnership deed is sufficient enough to cover it in a simplistic way i.e. 50:50 or whatever ratio you two chose. However, if there're going to be numerous co-founders with split of roles and responsibil...


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