
Results for: Corporations

This is a complicated question that likely requires legal advice particular to the startup. However, compensating employees at a seed stage typically takes the form of stock options or restricted stock units (RSU)s. Stock options essentially give you the right to buy shares at a certain price (“...


Doesnt matter for Federal Income Taxes, Only State Income Taxes. You will have to report the income in the State where you generate the income and reside. So report the income in California. But, If you do conduct business in Montana then you would have to complete a Non-Resident Tax Return.


I am not an accountant, but I do have a good understanding of this concept. It works like this. If you are self employed there is a slef employment tax on all your income of 15%. This essentially goes toward social security and Medicare. So let's say you make $100k in profit that means it's $...


A typical rule of thumb would be that an established company sets aside around 15% of the outstanding shares at any point in time for employee options. Those get split up among employees based on their contributions. Depending how key these VPs are relative to other employees you have (remember ...


I will answer this is the simplest form I can. Basically in every country to conduct business in you will need to pay taxes in that country. If you have an office, employees or your revenue comes from that country you have to pay taxes. These taxes will include State, Federal and Sales Tax. Moreo...


The main advantage of having the company and the product/service sharing the same name is that it is much more cost effective to build the brand in the early stages. You also need to consider what relationship any future products are going to have with your first (if any) - do they complement, co...


I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." As a Canadian living in the US, my understanding as you have dual citizenship is that you must pay US taxes on everything you make anywhere in the world. So in addition to any taxes you may pay Canada, you must pay taxe...


In short No. There are laws that if you sell to anyone within a particular state in the U.S. you must obey each state's tax laws. However for the majority of the tax laws the exception (loop hole) is in the digital services realm - where you can claim income as 'advisory / non-physical services'...


A new C corporation formed within the U.S. must file a federal income tax return (Form 1120) on an annual basis. The corporation may have to file a state corporate income tax return depending upon the state of incorporation and from which state the corporation operates. Income tax filings are g...


Hi The question is a little vague but I'll my best. 1. An accountant or maybe book manager (depending on the business) 2. A commercial attorney/lawyer. 3. Someone in charge of operations. You might not have to have these people as co-founders and it might be enough to use them as service prov...


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