A Form 8858, "Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Foreign Disregarded Entities" is required to be filed by U.S. persons who are the owners of foreign disregarded entities (FDEs). A foreign corporation with a domestic disregarded entity is considered as FDE. If you are the owner of ...
That is a LOUSY return. You'd be better off putting the money in a savings account in the bank. I do not know your industry well, but in mine (Marketing Agency) I aim for a net profit of 15% after paying corporate taxes, wages and all overheads.
I believe past history is a great predictor of future work, so I would ask 1) Have you worked with anyone in our industry or similar project? 2) Ask for their complete portfolio 3) Ask them how many full time vs. contractors 4) Ask them who on the team (or individual) did the work you like and if...
Consult a tax accountant; I am not an accountant or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." I do have to ask a question about the wording here. Are these partners as in shareholders of the business, or are they working for it? That will make a difference in how you go about paying the...
Not a canadian lawyer. You should go find a lawyer that knows these things, doesn't mean you can't keep your old one ut if he doesn't know then you need to seek out a specialist that does for that specific matter.
In the US, terms and conditions do not override the law of the land. Depending on the exact situation, and intent, I would suspect that an entity could make the case for fraud, trademark infringement, theft, or copyright violation. The practice will likely get you blacklisted by any search engi...
I am not a lawyer or an attorney and this is not "professional advice." Hire an accountant who is familiar with licensing. Stay away from the franchising route if you can: it's expensive, the lawyers are expensive, and you are open to attack from inside and out (franchisees and customers). I w...
You need a source of capital to carry you through the receivables period. Basically you've got three options: -Borrow money to finance the receivables -Find investors to contribute equity to finance receivables -Sell the receivables (factoring) or some combination of these. In my experience you...
Yes, zoning laws generally frown on improperly zoned home businesses (although they rarely ever actually enforce it unless a neighbor or homeowner's association complains). However, there is a ridiculously simple workaround for 100% online businesses like yours (and mine) - get a private mailbox...
More of a political answer than anything to be honest. Laws are created by politicians, politicians make their decisions based on lobbyists & public opinion. Lobbyists and public opinion can both be bought. One person only has one vote, a company can persuade millions of votes. Imagine what wou...