
Results for: Corporations

I'm assuming you're talking about yourself, working for another company? The first thing to consider is that a "1099" is NOT an employee, rather an "independent contractor". The IRS takes it seriously when a company claims 1099 contractors, when in fact, these contractors are treated as employe...


I'll keep try to keep this answer brief, but there are several factors and nuances that can be discussed in more depth. Where you decide to incorporate partly depends on what your future goals are with your company. Companies that plan to seek venture capital or go public typically choose Delawar...


Disclaimer: I am not a corporate lawyer, I do however own LLCs and C Corp as well as have degrees in business. The nature of an LLC is specifically to protect the small business owner by encouraging individuals to launch a business without fret of losing it all due to an unhappy customer or fr...


I don't need 3. The first and only thing that you should do is a Proof of Concept (POC) / market validation. Only if it shows positive results, should you move on to the next stages (MVP, funding, founder's etc - depending what you already have/don't have). You can read how to do the validation...


Try Starting at the (Very) Top ; with (Very Senior) HR Officers. One of the Very First Things which I (Swiftly) Learnt about Empowering the Spouses of High Achievers in Medicine , Healthcare , Finance , Academia , Technology , Politics and Law (etc) , 'ab initio' , is that a Substantial Percenta...


So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...


Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through. I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold ...


I am a corporate technology lawyer experienced in setting up venture funds and acting fur funds in their "portfolio" investments. Always happy to see new innovative approaches to investment funds. The above offering can be done. I suspect it would require more "maintenance" on the fund level and ...


Hi- I am not familiar with the tax implications in Canada because I am located in America. However, if you were in the united states and you sold an asset there would be a tax implication there. Never the less, this would clear up any debt you have. Option 1 would be a good choice. As it relates ...


Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, I've never played one on TV, and it has been ages since I've stayed at a Holiday Inn. However, it sounds like you've stated clearly that your need is a lawyer who SPECIALIZES in contract law, with EXPERIENCE doing so for Digital Agencies. A great way to find someo...


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